Monday, September 30, 2019

Othello †Paper Assignment Essay

A desire for revenge can overcome a person and have great detrimental effects. This is especially true in the play Othello by William Shakespeare. The play takes place in a time of war between Italy and Turkey. The play begins in Venice, Italy but then shifts to the island of Cyprus for the remainder of the play. In the play, the main antagonist Iago was not chosen for a position of lieutenancy by his general, Othello. Othello had chosen a man named Cassio over Iago. Iago, being very envious of Othello and Cassio, plots a plan for revenge. Early on in the play, we find that Othello has complications in his marriage to Desdemona. Othello and Desdemona are seen as opposites in which Desdemona is an innocent, sweet, high class white woman, while Othello is a tough, ugly, and black war general. Iago, using this knowledge, begins to plot his revenge. Iago says, â€Å"I hate the Moor, and it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets ‘has done my office. I know not if’t be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety† (Act 1, iii, 429-433). Iago, in this quote, suggests that a rumor about Othello sleeping with his wife may not be true, but he will pretend it is in order to better his plot for revenge. Iago’s first step in the plan was to endanger Othello’s relationship by telling Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, about their marriage. Othello claims he will not hide because he has nothing to be afraid of and ask Iago if he agrees. Iago says, â€Å"By Janus, I think no† (Act 1, ii, 38). Iago alludes to the Greek god Janus that supposedly had two faces. This is an example of dramatic-irony because the audience knows that Iago himself is two-faced since he pretends to be nice but in actuality is trying to get revenge; Othello is also unaware of Iago’s other motives. Iago, in his plot for revenge, often uses psychological means to manipulate people. When Brabantio is talking to Othello, he says â€Å"She has deceived her father, and may thee† (Act 1, iii, 333-334). Brabantio believed that since Desdemona was not loyal to her father, she may also deceive Othello. This is an example of foreshadowing because Othello will be lead on to believe that Desdemona is not loyal to him. Iago, later in the play, alludes to Brabantio’s warning and says, â€Å"She did deceive her father, marrying you, and when she seemed to shake and fear your looks, she loved them most† (Act 3, iii, 237-240). Iago, being very diabolical, enhances Othello’s doubts about his marriage. This doubt in Othello’s mind comes into play later in Iago’s plans for revenge. Iago shows that he will use any means to get his revenge, whether it be lying or manipulating any insecurities in others. Near the end of the play, Iago’s plan has progressed as he had planned: Othello does not trust Desdemona or Cassio, Iago had gotten Cassio fired, and Othello still has complete trust in Iago. Othello had given Desdemona a handkerchief when they had gotten married which symbolized everything holding their relationship together. Iago gets a hold of the handkerchief and plants it on Cassio. This becomes proof for Othello that Desdemona is cheating on Othello with Cassio. Othello becomes so angry he kills Desdemona. Emilia, Iago’s wife, walks in after Othello strangles Desdemona and in shock tries to explain what Iago has done to him. Iago comes in and tries to stop Emilia; he then stabs her because she wouldn’t stop. Iago’s plan had been revealed and Othello is traumatized. Othello exclaims â€Å"But why should honor outlive honesty† (Act 5, ii, 293)? Othello, trying to comprehend what he has done, questions how the reputation of being honorable could outlast honor itself. Iago, so bent on getting revenge for the sake of his reputation, had killed his very own wife. At the beginning of the play, Iago had said that he heard a rumor about Othello sleeping with his wife. He didn’t know if it was true but said he would pretend it was in order to fuel his desire and plot for revenge. Throughout the play, Iago had used any means to complete his goal. For example, Iago used psychological means to manipulate Othello into doubting his relationship with Desdemona. Iago then lied to Othello and tricked him into believing that Desdemona was having an affair with Cassio. If Emilia had not told Othello, he may not have known about Iago’s plan at all. Iago kills Emilia for telling Othello, which is ironic because Iago used the rumor about Othello and his wife to fuel his revenge. Iago’s desire for revenge became so great that when Emilia ruined his plan, he killed her. Instead of killing Iago, Othello says, â€Å"I’d have thee live, for in my sense ‘tis happiness to die† (Act 5, ii, 340-341). Iago will be kept alive and most likely tortured because killing him would be a punishment not worthy of Iago’s actions. Iago’s desire for revenge ultimately overcame him and caused many detrimental effects in his life as well as many others. In conclusion, one should never seek revenge.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Working Outline for Research Paper on Euthanasia

WORKING OUTLINE I. Introduction A. Euthanasia is defined as a â€Å"good and painless death† B. Active Euthanasia, Passive Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide or Mercy Killing are the different kinds of euthanasia that most people consider to be immoral C. The reasons of people in favor of euthanasia bases on the situation of the patients 1. The patient’s inability to afford expensive medication 2. The patient requesting to end his life 3. Families who could not bear the pain of seeing their loved ones suffer D. THESIS: Among the factors that affect the decisions of people engaging in euthanasia, poverty, specifically the inability to afford medical services and medicines, is the greatest. II. The different cases of euthanasia presents the contrasting views of society A. Most physicians feel painful in maintaining their vegetative patients’ medications despite the fact of them knowing that these persons could no longer survive and even if they would survive, would not have a worthy life. B. The Philippines being a Christian country prohibits euthanasia because it sees it as a form of suicide, but gives an exception to those people who are emotionally distressed due to expensive medications. III. The depressing economic crisis and the high budget coverage of health care expenses lead states to consider the acceptance of euthanasia. A. Health care expenses for patients with terminal illnesses are currently covering the largest percentage of cost in the economic budgets of foreign countries 1. USA 2. Germany 3. Tasmanian Parliament B. The Philippines is a third world country whose major issues are poverty. 1. Families/patients stop medication against their will because of unaffordable medical services. 2. The Philippine government due to lack of budget is not able to pay for the health care expenses of its citizens. C. Money and financial needs are stressors for terminally ill patients and their families, not only in the current dispiriting situation but also in the future even if the patient dies. IV. Conclusion

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Negative Effect of Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Negative Effect of Social Media - Essay Example The psychological and social impacts of social media are surfacing as the usage of social media is increasing our lives. Social media impacts on different aspects of our lives including emotional state, identity development and even the direction of our lives in some cases. Of these, the emotional impacts of social media are perhaps the most discussed negative implication. Social media has been criticized for the effects it has on the psychological state of its users. According to Lippy Copeland, ‘Facebook appears to exploit an Achilles heel of human nature’ (Copeland). Social media has created a culture where everything a person does is posted on Facebook. This has become an addiction and a burden for the users. Often users post information that becomes a source of envy or depression for their friends. When users see their friends having fun in their lives, they feel a sense of loneliness or depression. The excitement in the pictures may be fake or just a small part of the friend’s life but it creates a feeling of envy in the user. Even the user’s friends who post happy and exciting pictures online are not immune to the negative effects of social media. Information that a user posts online is being used to develop a profile of the user. This process also referred as data mining is used to develop aggregate information about the user using his social media information across different websites. This information is then sold to employees, insurance companies, and other interested parties. According to Lori Andrews, ‘our application for credit could be declined not on the basis of your own finances or credit history, but  on the basis of aggregate data’ (Andrews). Facebook users, as a result, may be robbed off a certain job because of what they posted online; or their insurance premium may rise when they start showing more interest in dangerous sports. While

Friday, September 27, 2019

English Vowel Length Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

English Vowel Length - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that every individual has specific pronunciation peculiarities, for example, /s/ may be pronounced in a different manner. A phonologist may be interested in discussing peculiarities of different pronunciation types of /s/ in words where only one basic unit of this sound is met. Phonetician would be more interested in articulation peculiarities. Consequently, the phonological system of English consists of â€Å"number of phonemes which are used in this language and to how they are organized†. The English language has 12 pure vowel sounds which can differentiate word meanings. The following features differentiate vowels from consonants. Thus, from phonetic perspective vowels are produced via vocal configuration of the vocal tract: mouth is open and we can hear the sound created by air passing through the mouth (so-called audible friction). From a phonological perspective, vowels consist of sound system units which can take place in the m iddle of a syllable (e.g., rat, bad). A distinctive principle of vowels discussed in this paper is vowel length. Symbolically, length is symbolized by colon [:]. There are 5 relatively long and 7 relatively short vowels. It is possible to distinguish the length of vowels in accordance with the quantity and quality principles. Length variation is also presented in the following pair of sounds /ÉÅ":/ and /É™/. The former sound occurs only in stressed syllables in RP (bird, servant); the latter in unstressed ones (above, butter). This pair of sounds doesn’t produce a difference in meaning. Length of vowels can be explained not only by quantity features but also by quality (or place of articulation). There is a special name for long vowels, which is tense-lax. This group of vowels is formed by a tension of certain mouth muscles. They are: /i/, /e/, /u/, /o/, /É”/, /É‘/. In case when no tension is required, lax vowels appear:   /É ª/, /É›/, /à ¦/, /ÊŠ/, /ÊÅ'/. In order to illustrate what length of vowels actually means, it is possible to discuss tendencies on the following examples: same-Sam-psalm may be transcribed in the following way: [sem], [sà ¦m], [sÉ‘m]. In this example, it is possible to show that concepts of length and duration are different. A relative duration may be exemplified by showing length degree in the same vowel or consonant: allophone [i] in the words bee and beet has the different degree of lengths. With regard to the fact if this sound is voiced/voiceless, stopped/constituent degrees of length varies. From a phonetic perspective, degrees of length can be explained by speaker’s habits to speak slowly or quickly, emotional context of the situation of speaking and stress amount carried by syllable. Phoneticians realize difference of length degree and they depict it as follows: [bid], [bi ·d], [bi:d], or [bÉ ªid]. Still, in such a way, vowel length is depicted only approximately. If to depict the degree of length exactly, then phoneticians have to appeal to phonologists. Phonologic studies may prove many Americans, who underestimate the role of vowel length as the essential determinant factor of words distinction, that this phenomenon is very important in the scientific area. Unfortunately, very often vowel length is underestimated and is considered to have a stylistic value and not practical importance. For phonologists and phoneticians length of vowels is rather meaningful that’s why following consonants or unstressed syllables are all taken into account. For example, in a child [tÊÆ'aÉ ªld] the diphthong [aÉ ª] refers to norms of Old English [i:]; in the word children, the extra consonant [r] and the extra syllable caused the effect on a vowel to remain lax and short. Moreover, vowel length is usually defined in case an unstressed follows a stressed vowel and the latter is usually long (e.g. re-enact [ˈri: É™nà ¦kt]). On the other hand, if the unstressed vowel fol lows the stressed vowel, then it is short as a rule (e.g. react [riˈà ¦kt]).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Letter to the Editor about Airport Security Assignment

Letter to the Editor about Airport Security - Assignment Example Mr. Schneier’s statement â€Å"There are two classes of contraband at airport security checkpoints: the class that will get you in trouble if you try to bring it on an airplane, and the class that will cheerily be taken away from you if you try to bring it on an airplane† is true. The news reports on incidents regarding bombs, guns, and explosives confiscated at airports, but rarely are airports shut down over a passenger carrying pasta sauce, fingernail clippers, water, or shampoo. If the items in the class of being taken away with the passenger still being allowed to board the plane are so dangerous, why are they stored in big bins out in the open? The answer is simple, these items are not dangerous. If these items are not dangerous, why does airport security take them? Airport security takes these simple items because it makes them feel safe. Not only does it make the airport security feel safe, but the airline passengers as well. We might all complain about the long lines and inconvenience, but figure that all that fuss must make us safe. The question becomes do we really want to be safe, or do we want to feel safe? I believe the answer subconsciously is Americans want to feel safe. Feeling safe is not only better for the peace of mind, but can be used as an excuse if anything does happen. After 9/11, Americans looked back at the warning signs. What if we would have taken the Russian warning more seriously, what if we would have taken Osama bin Laden more seriously, what if we would have never gotten involved in the first Gulf War, what if we would have had stricter airport security? All of these doubts gnawed at the American public. Today if the same events as 9/11 happened, A mericans could say that they are doing everything possible to prevent terrorism. The feeling of safety is more important than actual safety.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Vulnerable Population and Healthcare Research Paper

Vulnerable Population and Healthcare - Research Paper Example Health care is therefore one of the most growing industries now. Institutes in the field have realized that the only way they can deliver effective services to those in needs is through first singling out the needy from the general sample and then personally taking the aid to them. This paper examines drug addicts as a vulnerable group and sees how the personal biases and attitudes of the healthcare professionals affect the delivery of the services. Drug addicts are one of the most vulnerable groups of individuals in dire need of help in all stages of their susceptibility (Chesnay, 2006). Many people view drug addiction as a lowly, self-harming habit with no hopes of recovery. However, nothing can be further from truth. Drug- addiction is more of an ailment, a chronic disease in which a patient keeps relapsing into the pursuit and in-take of harmful drugs that, to him, soothe his nerves and calm his body. It is true that the first doze is more of an outside-in process and depends on the will of the person completely, the subsequent changes in the physiology of brain makes it very difficult for the addict to quit and urges him to impulsively continue with the menace. However, treatments are now available to help these addicts recover from their addiction gradually and more successfully. As modern researches reveal, a good combination of medicinal and behavioral therapy can lead to a much better and quicker treatment of the problem. In addition, personalized treatments, which are, customized to the needs and attitudes of individual patients, make the recovery process quicker and less painful than it normally is. The demographics of drug addicts is rather interesting and at some instances, surprising. For instance, â€Å"in 2003, the rate of dependence on substance for youths between the ages of 12 and 17 years was 8.9% and that between the people of ages between 18 and 25 is 21% â€Å"(Wolf, 1998). In particular, â€Å"58.1% of the young drug addicts depend on illicit drugs while the ratio in adults is 37.2%. In 2003 only, males were twice as prone to substance-dependency as women† (Wheeler, 2006). However, in youths below 18 years of age, the substance abuse in both the genders was almost the same. Ethnically speaking, the dependency on substance is highest amongst â€Å"Native Americans and the Natives of Alaska, i.e. around 17.2%† (Wheeler, 2006). Second to this are â€Å"Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders with 12.9%. Asian Americans come last with 6.3%† (Wheeler, 2006). Contrary to popular belief, blacks have lower substance dependency rates than â€Å"Hispanics and whites, 8.1 percent as compared to 9.8 and 9.2 percent, respectively†. The dependency on drugs also differs in various age brackets. In 2003 only, there were â€Å"3.8% drug addicts in the range of 12-13 years, 10.9% drug addicts in the range of 14 to 15 years and 19.2% drug addicts† (Wheeler, 2006) in the range of 16 to 17 years of a ge. The illicit drug use also follow the same graph with ascending slope in the teens, peak at 20 years of age and then a gradual decline after that. Personally speaking, this research opened up some new dimensions of thinking. Earlier, drug addicts came around just as another marginalized group of people whom one should never be friends with. They usually confront stereotypes of being dangerous and unfriendly or homeless. Drug addiction is also paired with assault,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated Bibliography Example The information on absenteeism from the book would be useful and instrumental in the current research. Eggert, M.A. (2004). Controlling Absenteeism. Management Pocketbooks Ltd., U.K. Discussed theoretical background of absenteeism in terms of provisions of definitions, costs and measurement; identified causes; legal bits; and absence control. The author has provided a concise structural presentation on the most relevant issues confounding absenteeism with a discussion of legal matters most useful for the present study. Written with a backdrop of humor included, interspersed with comic illustrations, the book is an interesting reading and informative source that will definitely be expedient for the researcher. Fulton, K. & Mudley, E. (2008). Dealing with absenteeism in the work place. Retrieved 21 May 2011. Presented appropriate means of dealing with absenteeism with reference to Labour Relations Act (LRA) that rationalizes and find legal grounds linking absenteeism to a form of misconduct or incapacity. The authors provided a brief and concisely structured discourse finding legal grounds for employers, including accurate and explicit policies as incorporated in the organization’s code of discipline. The article, despite its brevity, contains crucial information in terms of legal justifications for providing appropriate sanctions for absenteeism in the work place. This should definitely be used in the current research.... Employee Absenteeism. Retrieved 21 May 2011. Proffered diverse issues on employee absenteeism including reasons, measuring level of absenteeism, suggested steps to minimize the incidence of absenteeism, to evaluate the working conditions to influence the dilemma, and determine motivational factors to preclude absenteeism in the workplace. The study focused on the actual experience in Go Go International Pvt. Ltd. Hassan, a garments manufacturing company, to examine the abovementioned issues and concerns. The methodology, participants, and findings are all relevant for the current research. The study is comprehensive and detailed as it provided an objective and structured approach to address issues confounding absenteeism in the organizational setting. This is definitely a useful and viable source of information for the proposed research. Mitra, S. (2008). â€Å"Managing Absenteeism and Presenteeism in the Workplace.† American Institute of CPAs. Retrieved 21 May 2011. Provided a brief theoretical background on the dilemma prior to delving into the causes of absenteeism and the costs of unscheduled absences in the workplace. The concept of presenteeism was likewise discussed concurrent with identification of its effects. The author cited secondary sources to support information on ways to control both absenteeism and presenteeism. The information contained in the article would be useful for the current study as it presented diverse issues that are deemed critical for the current research. The only weakness identified is the failure of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Kant vs Mill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kant vs Mill - Essay Example Kant’s philosophy fundamentally revolves around the deontological ethics. He has presented a philosophy regarding the duty, or moral obligation of an individual. According to Kant, an act can be deemed as appropriate and right if the individual originally did the act considering it as his/her moral obligation. In view of Kant, it is just nothing else but duty that can entitle an act as right (Schwartz). Kant thinks that duty essentially makes the actions morally sound and justified as compared to their maxims. However, maxims can also be right provided that it is possible to universalize them. Unlike Kant, Mill’s visualization of the concept of moral philosophy is fundamentally teleological. He believes in the consequences of actions. As long as they are good, every action is justified. Mill does not pay any regard to the will or intention behind committing an act. To Mill, it is the act’s consequence that matters at the end of the day. Mill says that an act is r ight as long as it gives rise to pleasure or relieves pain. Unlike Kant, Mill’s visualization of the concept of moral philosophy is fundamentally teleological. He believes in the consequences of actions. As long as they are good, every action is justified. Mill does not pay any regard to the will or intention behind committing an act. To Mill, it is the act’s consequence that matters at the end of the day. Mill says that an act is right as long as it gives rise to pleasure or relieves pain.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

John Peter Zenger Essay Example for Free

John Peter Zenger Essay Born in Palatinate, Germany, John Peter Zenger (1697- 1746) was a New York printer and journalist. He arrived in New York City at the age of 7 and was trained for eight years by William Bradford, one of the more known writers of American printing. After he completed his training with William Bradford he moved to Chestertown, Maryland to live on his own. In 1722, he returned to New York due to the lack of success he had in Maryland and began his own business in 1726. In 1732 a new governor, William Cosby, desired nothing more but to increase his fortunes. Cosby removed the chief justice, Lewis Morris causing a group of powerful men whose economic goal was being forcefully postponed by Cosby to arise. The group gained popularity and support in New York City. The Gazette, a newspaper that was owned by Zenger’s advisor, William Bradford was controlled by the government. The Morris group, in need of a newspaper to fight its war against the government, chose John Peter Zenger as their printer. The first issue of the New-York Weekly Journal was poorly written but seemed to gain the interest due to its sharp criticism towards the government. On November 17, 1734, John Peter Zenger was arrested for printing rebellious and inaccurate material towards Cosby. Andrew Hamilton represented Zenger and made a dramatic presentation to the jury. After being imprisoned for 10 months Zenger was freed. The case was an introduction to freedom of the press. The case its self had little to almost no effect on freedom printers had on what they published. It did not limit the power of legislature to shut down printers. The Zenger case was brief introduction towards the movement of â€Å"freedoms† of Americans. Also, the case changed the old beliefs of English law, and revealed a new way America would think.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How did group skills contribute to the development of the drama Essay Example for Free

How did group skills contribute to the development of the drama Essay We approached our initial research by deciding on the path we were taking for our piece and examining what would be the best to topics to research i. e. the Wall Street Crash, the credit crunch, primitive civilisations, survival techniques etc. and then distributing these sections to members of the group to individually research. Every member of the group did their own research on everyone of these subjects so we all knew and understood every topic and to get an overview of what we were taking, which would help with our portrayal of the themes within our material. We executed this by discussing what we had found in our research and comparing it with the other members of the group. We then picked the most relevant points from our discussions and integrated them into our material. We all researched different aspects of the stimulus during our brain storming sessions, drawing from what we knew about the image and then exploring it independently. Ideas were developed collectively, individuals would put forward their ideas for the piece (which were often the same as other members of the group) which were then discussed and collectively performed and then modified, depending on their relevance and cohesiveness with the rest of the piece. However input seemed to keep coming from the same people all the time, so we had to extend and force particular members of the group to share their individual thoughts about our ideas. The majority of the devising work was worked on as a collective, although some individuals could have been more involved with the process, but we all wanted to make sure that everyone agreed on the direction we were taking the piece and aspects of the scene. Our piece was a mixture between ensemble and individual based. For the wise man scene there was a section in which we all had to act out the story of the crash moving into images of everyday occurrences surrounding work, partying and resting. To make sure that we were all together for these transitions we practised them over and over again often having to compromise our actions to make them run smoothly into one another. Throughout we all decided that if we were ever stationary or had to focus on a particular spot we would all stare at the same horizontal bar above the audience in our theatre. For our scene in the company we all had to hold boards and walk in an oval always facing the audience, this took place behind the protagonist to give the illusion that he was running down a corridor. For this we to work we had to be organised and efficient, first of all we had to make sure that there were three boards at the front at all time meaning we all had to walk at the same pace, we also had to carry the boards at roughly the same height, this was quite difficult to achieve so we did as best we could by holding them at arms height. We didnt focus on the bar for this scene until we had become stationary; this was so we could focus on the movement of the circle and its relationship to the speed that the protagonist was walking at. To achieve this shared physical look we practised over and over again, extracting one of the members of the group to see if it looked good enough. Through trial and error we managed to obtain the same physical relationship between one another. Characters were, most of the time, created individually however when needed we helped people who were struggling with their character profile or decided that a character should be different to how they were being portrayed. Most of us put forward suggestions towards certain members character development anyway as a suggestion if we felt that they werent doing enough to explore and exploit their potential. This happened a lot in the War scene as we had to create contrasting and analogous characters within the separate groups and, as it was one of our best scenes, we wanted everyone to be heard and seen. I contributed a lot to the development of a movement piece, I took a piece of music called Clubbed to Death from the Matrix and listened to it, noted where the distinguishing sections were and began to create a piece of movement to go with it. This was when we were using one of our original plot lines so it wasnt used in the final performance but one or two of the ideas were used in certain areas of the play. It was originally showing the downfall of the company and the death of the protagonist, I wanted to use the boards a lot, making members of the chorus use them as shields, slamming them down and pushing them along the floor with two gargoyles on the tower of Babel (a piece of staging we were using at the time) the companys opponents are throwing spears then slowly through the piece the gargoyles break themselves away from the tower to kill their attackers. They achieve this by touching their attackers heads, this all happens in the middle section of the music which is quieter and more sinister. After the gargoyles make contact with the attackers heads I made them writhe as if they were being electrocuted, all the while the protagonist reaches the top of the tower and flings paper out into the audience, however a spear hits him and he dies as do the gargoyles as soon as the papers are thrown into air they begin to crumple and then collapse. I really enjoyed choreographing this piece of movement but, unfortunately by this point, we had already changed our plot, which rendered it useless. I also provided a lot of the sounds like the track during the rape scene (The Piano Duet from Corpse Bride) and in the final scene (My Dearest Friend by Devendra Banhart) All the, concepts and situations were created amongst the group. Our group is extremely diverse both in personalities and in ability, overall we have some very good actors and we all get on wonderfully and made a good team, however there are members of the group that are weaker than others, one in particular who barely gave any ideas or thoughts to the process. Their silence happened so often that we had to question her constantly about her views on everything just to know what her reaction was to the content we were producing or the direction we were heading in. This proved very tedious also because she took no initiative into developing her character and when given suggestions by the other members of the group she listened to them but didnt seem to put any of these ideas into practise. We coached her as much as we could and managed to get a decent performance out of her for the final performance. On a completely different note there was tension between two girls in our group but they moved passed these differences and worked with each other as best they could, the tension lessened over the weeks with a few hiccoughs but the managed to work together as a team planning props in the few weeks before the performance. Moment were the group worked well together Why it was important During the development of the War Scene after the group had been separated into two to create material, we worked together to find a ways to cut between the separate scenes to make a seamless and amusing scene. It strengthened our group dynamic, the girls being on one side bar one and the boys on the other, this allowed us to relax with each other and improvise things that we found amusing. Most of the members of the girls group were fans of Monty Python, French and Saunders and Black Adder, which we all seemed to agree, had the right kind of comedy that we wanted to integrate in our section. It helped us understand each others sense of humour and our acting dynamic. After this scene it was clear that we were on the same page regarding material that wed produced prior to this exercise. Sitting opposite the group of boys was good too as they are very funny people, it helped us to improve our scene, in comparison with theirs, but still carry on the path of humour wed been following. Rehearsing the Company scene where every member of the chorus has a board and we created a movement piece using them together. This was important for the group as it allowed us to work as a collective rather than individuals, we were all concerned about this piece and wanted to create a slick, focussed piece of physical theatre. Through rigorous rehearsal we managed to pin point exactly what was needed and achieved a focus that, with the music, made a punchy start to the beginning of the company scene. We had to bang our boards down at exactly the same time cueing the music, to do this we all agreed to focus on the person who was most visible to everyone, which happened to be me, and we managed to do this perfectly every time in the last few weeks of rehearsal right through the performance. Moment were the group didnt work well Why? What did we learn from this At the beginning of the Wise man scene the chorus plays freaks who follow the wise man, there wasnt enough group development on these characters during rehearsals. Everyone was concerned about the content of the scene, which provided some brilliant freaks, but we didnt think how it would perceived by an audience and as a whole, we left this to the last minute, which meant they couldve been even greater. That we need to face everything head on, leaving things to the last minute on one of the biggest scenes of play, especially the start of it, even though we did a lot of discussing in eagerness to push on we sometimes miss little things that could be rectified and turn a piece of action that hasnt been through into something clear and concise that stands by itself. A character that, if taken out of the scene, could stand by themselves and have a background giving more depth to the madness. At the beginning of the process when we seemed to keep brainstorming and discussing things rather than being spurred into action and, if we did create something that was bad suggestion in the first place, we didnt question we went along with it. We were more concerned about not getting into an argument that we didnt tell one another if we thought an idea wasnt good, instead we suggested more ideas. That sometimes you have to tell people if an idea wont work and dont get worried if someones annoyed at you, it is better to create a good piece of drama that can lead you in a great direction after having a falling out than coming up with a rubbish idea that doesnt hold together as a piece of theatre. We all did our bit to collaborate on design ideas this was so we could perform with the set, lighting and music that we all wanted so that we could perform in an ideal space that the group collectively designed. There was a big difference between group skills in rehearsal to performance, in rehearsal we were a lot more calm about everything and kept a very relaxed group dynamic but, only as it came to the dress and tech rehearsals did we start buckling down and making sure everyones focus was impeccable and that we were all doing this for each other, to stand as a collective rather than individuals as this was the only way our marks would be better.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Nonlinear Narrative In Media

Nonlinear Narrative In Media Nonlinear or disruptive narrative is a technique used in storytelling where the events of a story are achronological, i.e. it is not in a chronological manner, and illogically placed. This method has been used in films, literature, video games and other narratives. In the field of video games, the meaning of the term is different as the stories get played out by the decisions made by the players interaction in the game. The world had come to know that it was during the 5th century BC that nonlinear narrative had come into existence. This monumental piece of literature work is none other than the Indian Epic, the Mahabharatha. The Mahabharata was written in an Indian language called Sanskrit and this major tale has played an important role in the religion of Hinduism, and also played a vital part in the upbringing of the cultures in the Indian subcontinent. This story talks about the human goals (Dharma or duty, Artha or purpose, Kama or pleasure or desire and moksha or liberation) where it explains the individuals relationship to the society and the world and the workings of karma or destiny. With 1.8 million words written, the Mahabharata is the longest epic poem in the world. The Illiad is another grand poem which is credited to Homer, also uses nonlinear narrative. Made in 8th century BC, this poem was set in the events of the Trojan War, which was a ten year siege by a congregation of Greek states led by King Agamemnon. The poem, although covers the final few weeks of the war, describes the battles which had taken part in the war and also depicts the arguments between King Agamemnon and the legendary warrior Achilles. The Illiad is the oldest known Western work in literature. These two poems have a common nonlinear narrative between them. They were the first works to feature the method of In Media Res (It is a latin phrase which in English translates into mid-affairs. This technique of narrative is when the story either begins in the middle or in its conclusion. It was introduced by the poet Horace.) and the first to implement the technique of using flashbacks (Analepsis which is the other word for flashback, is a method which is put in between a narrative and it acts as a tool to explain the events leading up to the current state of the story. It is generally used for a characters origin or major events which have occurred in the past.) From then on, novelists such as Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner, Marcel Proust and many others during the 1800s to 1900s played around with the nonlinear narrative, dumping the idea of writing a book in a linear fashion. In the Modern Day, the author Chuck Palahniuk, known for his book Fight Club, writes all his books in a nonlinear fashion. An example would be his book Survivor where the story goes backwards as the end is the starting point of the book and the conclusion of the book is the beginning. Examples of nonlinear novels: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne; Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte; Catch 22 by Joseph Heller; The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark; Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh and Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavic. Films To define nonlinear storytelling in films is a bit of a task since various films uses the methodology of flashbacks or flashforwards in a linear storyline whereas nonlinear films most of the time includes a lot of linear sequences. Citizen Kane by Orson Welles is an example of a film where the storyline is in an achronological flashback narrative which is tagged as nonlinear. Experimentation of nonlinear narrative in films started in 1916. This was the era of Silent Films where the film is without any sound and the viewer only gets to see images of the film. Intolerance: Loves Struggle through the Ages by D.W. Griffith is the first film to try out nonlinear storytelling. This film is considered to be one of the masterpieces of its generation. This film was made because D.W. Griffiths previous film The Birth of a Nation apparently did not go down well with the people, stating that the film had a huge amount racist content. The film Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) is a surreal film made by Salvador Dali and Luis Brunuel. This film was made in 1929 and is considered the first film to be in a constant state of nonlinearity. The film makes statements about the Church, art and society; which are left to open interpretation by the viewer. Other films made in this era which uses the concept of nonlinear narrative are LAge dor (The golden Age) again by Salvador Dali and Luis Brunuel, Strike by Sergei Eisenstein, Earth by Alexander Dovzhenko, Listen to Britain a documentary by Humphrey Jennings. After World War II, nonlinear narrative had evolved from its embryonic state and it was Jean Luc Goddard who famously stated, I agree that a film should have a beginning, a middle and an end but not necessarily in that order. His works have played a major influence in the method of nonlinear storytelling. Le Weekend (Week End) by Jean Luc Goddard is one of the first films to showcase the randomness of events in a film. Chelsea Girls which was made in 1966 by Andy Warhol was a film very similar to that of Le Weekend in a sense of techniques used. Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959), Last Year at Marienbad (1961) and Muriel (1963) by Alain Resnais are films which had experimented with the narrative and the time. Then Italian director Federico Fellini invented his own style of nonlinear narration in his films La Strada(1954), La Dolce Vita (1960), 8 and a half (1963), Satyricon (1969) and Roma (1972). From then on various film makers like Nicolas Roeg, Michelangelo Antonioni, Peter Greenaway, Ch ris Marker, Raul Ruiz and Agnes Varda have all experimented with nonlinear narration. Robert Altman from the United States incorporated the style of nonlinearity in his films such as McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971), Nashville (1975), The Player (1992), Short Cuts (1993) and Gosford Park (2001). Woody Allen tried his hand in nonlinear narrative in Annie Hall (1977), Interiors (1978) and Stardust Memories (1980). The 1990s witnessed the growth of nonlinear films due to influential figure Quentin Tarantino who was the catalyst for this cause after his film Pulp Fiction (1994). Other significant works of disruptive narration are Atom Egoyans Exotica (1994); Terrence Mallicks The Thin Red Line (1998); Paul Thomas Andersons Magnolia (1999); and Karen and Jill Sprechers Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2001). David Lynch had experimented by combining surrealism and nonlinear narrative in his films Lost Highway (1997), Mulholland Drive (2001) and Inland Empire (2006). While coming into and in the beginning of the 21st Century, filmmakers have been constantly applying their own nonlinear methods into their films frequently. Schizopolis (1996), Out of Sight (1998), The Limey (1999), Full Frontal (2002) and Che (2008) were all movies done by Steven Soderbergh. Gus Van Sants movies like Elephant (2003), Last Days (2005) and Paranoid Park (2007). Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai with his own creative style in films tried his hands in nonlinear narrative in the films Days of Being Wild (1991), Ashes of Time (1994), Chungking Express (1994), In the Mood for Love (2000) and 2046 (2004). Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu has made all his films in a nonlinear fashion. Christopher Nolan uses the ideology of nonlinear narration the films Following (1998), Memento (2001) and The Prestige (2006). Memento followed a fragmented and reverse chronology narration in the film. This move was known as the film heading in the direction of post modernism storytelling in contemporary cinema. The narrative structure of the movie places the audience into the shoes of the protagonist. Therefore because of this structure, the viewers get turned into detectives and try to come up with their own solutions. TELEVISION In the east, Japanese animation or anime (As it is commonly known that the term anime is only referred to animations done by the Japanese or any of the eastern countries) implements nonlinear narration in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito (Traveller of Darkness, The Hat and Books), Touka Gettan and Baccano (Italian word which means ruckus). In the series Baccano the story varies from each episode. The events of the anime take place in various settings from the 1700s to the 1930s. The stories are somehow related with each other although not directly with countless number of plots and it is up to the viewer to piece it all together. The television series Lost created by J.J. Abrams extensively use the methodology of nonlinear narration. Set on an island, all the episodes of Lost have scenes interjected in them with a flashback or flashforward which is related to the primary storyline of the episode. Damages another series too uses disruptive narration. The beginning of each season starts off with an event and then travels back six months earlier. Each of the episodes will feature the past, present and future which leads up to the main storyline. Television reality shows like Big Brother, indirectly uses the methodology of nonlinear narration because of its interactivity. The public gets to decide that one of the contestants would get eliminated from the show. This kind of interaction plays with the participants as it develops very interesting scenarios for the public to view. Similar series like Big Brother are Im a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, Back To Reality, Cabin Fever and Uttaradhikar (The Inheritance) a television show from Bangladesh.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Landmines :: Nuclear War Weapons Essays

Landmines The possible use of weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear bombs, biological and chemical weapons, terrorizes us, as it can have catastrophic repercussions if they were to be in the hands of terrorists. One of the reasons behind our fear is that no matter where we are in the world can we tomorrow suffer from the use of such weapons, and are in no place completely safe, as we have seen with the catastrophe of September 11, 2001. Yet there exists many other weapons that can be used to harms civilians, from which we are less conscious about since they don’t affect us. The result of the use of landmines, for example has been horrendous in many third world countries, hurting many non-military personnel, even once a conflict between tow nations has been resolved. They have been implanted on the battlefield of more than 70 countries in the world, and are still being built by some of the most powerful nations such as Russia, China or the United States. The first known description of a pressure-activated landmine was by the German military historian Frieherr Von Flemming in 1726, but such mines were not commonly used in warfare until the Second World War. It has been accounted that more than 300 million mines were deployed between 1939 and 1945. In the first part of the war mines were solely used as a device to counter enemy tanks. Yet, one of the problems with Anti-Tank (AT) mines of the time was that they were easily removed and re-used by the other side, so Anti-Personnel (AP) were created to solve this problem. They were deployed around AT mines to prevent their removal. Originally, both AT and AP landmines were developed as tactical, defensive weapons. They were intended to protect troops, military bases, and key installations like power plants and water supplies. After the Second World War, with the advances in technology the landmines became an offensive weapon. Mines in the 1960’s could be simply launched from an airp lane, and would only activate once on the ground, thus making it possible to drop more mines from the air than if placing them on the ground. Not only this would allow mines to be placed in a war zone in a much greater frequency, but until now, each mine that was placed was recorded and mapped, in order to be able to remove it once the conflict was over.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Personal Narrative- Concert :: Personal Narrative Essays

Personal Narrative- Concert As the dark stadium filled with fire, with the sounds of guns and bombs exploding everywhere, the crazed fans yelled at the top of their lungs. The enormous stage was rumbling with the sound of a single guitar as the band slowly started their next encore performance. Soon after I realized that I was actually at the Sanitarium concert listening to Metallica play "One", I thought to my self, "Is this real, am I actually here right now?" I had a weird feeling the entire time because I had worked all summer to simply listen to music with a bunch of strangers. The day started off pretty normal, well, besides the fact that we had all stayed in a house with nothing but an old Nintendo system and a couple of lawn chairs. We went to breakfast at Denny's, after which we made our way to Denver, the site of the day's big event. On our way to my cousin's apartment, we drove by the multi million-dollar complex. It had a huge billboard that said "Summer Sanitarium." To my surprise, I kind of got a nervous feeling. Why? I do not know. We proceeded to my cousin's apartment where the entire group conglomerated in preparation of the concert. We had a large group of people that consisted of Carter, Josh, Seth, Sam and his two brothers, Tim, Kim, Eric, my brother me and. While waiting for the right time to arrive at the event, we had the radio turned to a station that was playing Metallica in honor of their presence in Denver. The moment had finally arrived, we were about to enter the newly built stadium. As we approached the entrance, there was a small line of people waiting their turn to be frisked. While waiting in line, I noticed that there were certain things not allowed into the stadium for safety reasons. One lady had a large chain that resembled a dog chain in her pocket. The guard told her to take it back to her car or throw it in the trash. When the lady threw her chain in the trash I realized how devoted some of these fans really were. I thought to myself," maybe I'm not as big of fan as I thought," and continued through the gates. After our entire group got through security we had to separate, due to the different seating assignments.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Courage Mother and her Children critique Essay

â€Å"Mother Courage and Her Children† by Bertolt Brecht took place during the 30 Years’ War in Europe. The whole play revolved around the survival of a lower class family, trying to live through the harsh war with their canteen wagon business. Each scene in the play contained the factors of religious, honesty, war, loyalty, and family. The theme of â€Å"Mother Courage and Her Children† was maternity, due to the fact that Mother Courage’s sense of coldhearted business caused her become unable to protect her children, which led to their deaths, leaving her all alone in the end. Mother Courage was always doing business while each of her children died during the play. This shows that she was more interested in her business and money than her own children, and an example of this can be seen when her thirst for money had caused Swiss to die because she took too long to decide whether or not to trade her money in for her son’s life. Mother Courage was the protagonist in the play, while the war was the antagonist. The war caused Mother Courage to base her living on it. Due to the fact that they were living during a war, this caused Mother Courage to be so focused on making money, that she ended up neglecting her children. It also caused her to be unable to watch her daughter get married, since Kattrin could only get married when peace returned and the war ended. War is also the antagonist, due to the fact that is also caused Mother Courage to lose her sons as well. The play was a tragedy because in it, Mother Courage’s children all perished, and she was left all alone in the end. In the play, Bretch assigned each of Mother Courage’s children with a â€Å"tragic flaw† as a result of her failure to learn to choose family over business. The tragedies that Mother Courage’s children suffered throughout the play were Swiss, with honesty, Eilif, with arrogance, and Kattrin, with pity. Mother Courage had to go through suffering of the death of each of her children one by one and was unable to do anything about it. The set of the play was a major contribution to the play. The use of a proscenium stage was the best fit for this type of play since it allowed the audiences to focus on the center of the stage where Mother Courage’s wagon was. Mother Courage’s family always moved around. However, their wagon was still placed at nearly the same spot on the stage, which tells the audience that they were not moving anywhere because no matter where they moved to, they still faced the same struggles and hardships. Even though the setting mostly remained the same from scene to  scene, backgrounds changed from one scene to another, which allowed the audience to know that the scene was taking place in a different location. There was almost always the same lighting throughout the whole play. The only thing that changed about the lights was the brightness; the lights were brighter during the day and dimmer at night. There were some spotlights. However, it only appeared upon the actors who came before each scene, in order to tell the audience what will happen in the upcoming scene. The lighting of â€Å"Mother Courage Mother and Her Children,† was different from the other play that I went to. Usually lights would go off when changing from one scene to another, so that characters were able to get on and off stage, in order to prepare the set for the scene. However, in this play, the lights were still on during scene transitions. Bretch made pulling the wagon in and out of the stage as an exit and enter for each scene, which didn’t require the actors to quickly change settings for different scenes. The background sound of gunshots and bombs that were playing throughout the play allowed the audience to feel as if the war was actually taking place during the play. The gunshots sounded very loud, making the audience feel as if it was nearby. Without the sounds, the audience would not have been able to feel the mood of the war. Sounds of gunshots added more effects to the mood of war, giving the audience an the image of how deadly the war was. The play was a musical play, since there were many parts where Mother Courage and some singers in the background sang and played instruments. The entrance to the play was also a song that expressed the mood and feeling of the war. Mother courage sang in almost every scene, to express her feelings. She also sang in the last part of the play when Kattrin died. The costumes of the play reflected the life of the characters in the play. The costumes did not really tell the time period in which the play took place because the characters were just wearing normal types of rural clothes that had many layers, and were attached with many pieces of fabric. The characters in the play had the same outfit throughout the whole play, and this outfit not only showed their poverty, but also the condition of life during the war, due to the fact that they were unable to have clothes to change into. The many layers of clothes worn were everything that the characters owned, and this showed their struggles, due to the fact that they are unable to buy any new clothes. Overall, the play was easy to understand because it was in modern  English and there were no accent in the characters’ pronunciation, which allowed the audience to understand what the characters were saying. Mother Courage struggled throughout her life with her business and children, but ended up with nothing due to the war, in which she was favoring. The war had brought Mother Courage the business she needed, but took away her children one by one.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Virtual immersion as a teaching tool

IntroductionSecond life is one of the most celebrated practical universes, it is owned by Linden Lab which has started on 23-06-2003.With in no clip 2nd life has became really popular due to its particular characteristics and possibilities. Second life uses the scheduling linguistic communication called Linden Scripting. Using 2nd life—Login to, choose the last name from bead down list and make full the Fieldss, download and put in the clientWhat makes 2nd life so particular?Second life is a antic and fantastic topographic point for experimentation. Orientation Island is the island where an embodiment will be born and which besides teaches and takes orientation categories and makes an embodiment familiar with the basic functionalities in 2nd life, after that every embodiment can travel around meet different people and larn some more possibilities which are available in the 2nd life. Second life is the 3D practical universe and uniquely delivers the instruction.Second life is possible platform where we have so many pedagogues, it ‘s a genuinely experience an chance for acquisition, instruction, researching and even we can join forces and even demo our cognition. Second life creates an ain inspiration imaginativeness and makes it go on by supplying a freedom for acquisit ion. Second life makes a member to experience immersed in the 2nd life. Embodiments can take part in the events in 2nd life and can seek for relevant information to their field of survey. Online category are held in 2nd life and the teacher can take the pupils to a guided circuit. Interested members or pedagogues can fall in the groups in which they are interested in. Second life has become really popular so one more bed has been added that is voice. This made 2nd life really interesting and attracted many members to fall in. Learning in 3D environment experiences the esthesia and imaging the possibilities. Merely three stairss to travel. Second life is the most popular practical universe where a participant can make their ain faces hair manner and can have on whatever they desire. Make your ain Avatar /Account in SL by traveling to chief SL site and choice articulation now. Pick your embodiment ‘s name your name is non among wholly many things you can alter in SL. See who you want to be in SL and what the individual to be named. Peoples get to be known by your name, and the name you choose says something about who you are. If you get in SL concern, your name can rapidly go your trade name. You can call anything in first name and you must choose the family name listed at that place. Download and put in the SL client from SL web site to get down. Download the SL client version that is right for your operating system. The client is free to utilize. Once your history is created and you have downloaded and installed, you can log in and acquire started in SL. You start on Orientation Island. Before we go farther, we need to cognize about one critical SL point and that is our ain stock list. When we get started in SL, we will already hold some truly cool material including different embodiments, outfits, stones, places etc. Items in our stock list remain at that place between logins or until you drag them out. Draging points from our stock list into the universe or making objects from abrasion utilizing edifice tools is called boo. It provides a freedom of acquisition, no autos, no public transit is needed for commuting it nil merely needs a teleport button to make the coveted finish in 2nd life. Second life going a popular medium for the instruction exchange, it encourages the transverse cultural relationships-to avoid the job of the linguistic communication transcriber ( bablur ) is used for communicating of the people.History of the 2nd life:Linden lab is a in private held company set up to develop an extraordinary new signifier of shared 3D amusement. Through its first merchandise, 2nd life, Linden lab offers a genuinely collaborative, immersive and unfastened ended amusement experience, where people together create and inhabit a practical universe of their ain design. Peoples started utilizing 2nd life in 2003. Once it was introduced many people thought that it is merely a gaming universe, easy people started utilizing 2nd life largely for the instruction intents. Both university and college professors started demoing involvement ; professors started carry oning talks by having a little topographic point and by constructing a category. To better the handiness of 2nd life for educational intents they have introduced another strategy titled as Campus: 2nd life, this strategy was chiefly utile for the college and university pupils. As the figure of pupils ( school pupils ) who are utilizing 2nd life has been increasing quickly so linden labs introduced a one more grid named as Teen 2nd life. This is how 2nd life has been improved measure by measure and now 2nd life is one the most popular practical clients in the existent universe.Making money and acquiring things:Making money in 2nd life is besides possible, before we think of money ; we should besi des understand the currency which is used in 2nd life. Second life has its ain currency which is named as linden dollars. Abbreviated as L $ . One US $ is equal to 266L $ .By utilizing L $ we can purchase anything in 2nd life such as houses, lifes, planes, apparels, hair and even private land.Some of the listed characteristics of 2nd life:Communication between embodiments in Second life takes the signifier of close existent clip exchange of typed text. Flying is one of the of import characteristics in 2nd life. Teleport is one of the characteristics which is used for researching in to new topographic points. We can hear other voices by audio chatting.History of Education:If we go back to 19th century the instruction methods and category room manner used to be different like professor standing in forepart of the board and pupils sitting in the chairs and the environment seemed to be really unagitated with the books, pencils, pens and chalks. Teachers used to learn and pupils used to listen, there used be barriers between instructors and pupils. Focus of Information engineering used has been started later in 19 centuries. Subsequently in 19th century universities used to utilize projectors to explicate, there would non be any laptops no cyberspace and all, but know a pupil can entree and maintain in touch with the professors where of all time they are utilizing cyberspace, it ‘s a important alteration in the instruction system and people accepted the new alteration.Education in Virtual universes:Education in 2nd life benefits pupils and pedagogues a batch ; it increases creativeness of the pupil and saves a batch of clip for each of them. Education in practical universe is besides really much beneficial for the distance scholars. Distance scholars means a pupil who continues to analyze after a long period of clip, involvement might non be at that place to sit in the category room and listen to the talk in those instances utilizing 2nd life for instruction is really much utile, 2nd life has got a really realistic three dimensional environment where they can analyze tutorials, attend events, explore to the new topographic points. A learning environment should incorporate a set of characteristics thats should impact on our perusal. In this turning engineering instruction has got really good topographic point Web 2.0 is besides one of the favorable environments to analyze, to diminish barriers between two people they have besides provided an option to make a set of favorite communities. Open Simulator is besides a 3D application waiter which can be used to make practical environments, each person in unfastened simulator is identified as embodiment, it allows a user to alter its costume and it besides supports multiple clients. It besides has an ability to make existent clip content environment. Among all the practical universes 2nd life is one of the best has unique and particular functionalities and delivers best in instruction fieldLITERATURE REVIEWIntroduction:Virtual Environments-These are three dimensional computing machine based simulation environments intended for users to populate and interact through embodiments ( Humanoid representations of usernames in 2nd life ) .In many ways, these universes are multifaceted loops of traditional synchronal e-learning communicating vehicles such as confab suites, portals, web logs and wikis.In point fact, the universes in which embodiments interact are three dimensional versions of on-line meeting engineering. There are a figure of practical acquisition environments, but the most popular in higher instruction is 2nd life and unfastened sim.Second life is from linden research, normally known as linden lab. At last count, more than two 100 colleges and universities were represented in practical universe. Open sim is another platfo rm for runing a practical universe and supports multiple independent parts linking to a individual centralised grid. Second life is a new universe accessible merely through the cyberspace ; we do n't necessitate to purchase anything to take part in 2nd life. It ‘s free to fall in. Second life can be used as a platform to many of the members are in the undermentioned streams history, art, political relations, instrumentalists, interior decorators, instruction, builders, scripters etc. It ‘s non a game to win or lose it ‘s a client where we can larn, read, learn, listen music, dance, explore, sit, stand etc. It ‘s a new platform where we feel it as an amusement channel or a library to sit and read or a new universe where we can make with in no clip.World ‘s biggest scheduling environment:Harmonizing to ( Jim Purbrick & A ; Mark Lentczner ) these people say that 2nd life is the universe ‘s biggest scheduling environment is 2nd life. First an embodiment can dance, fly, play games practical games and even ware practical clothing/costume. Harmonizing to these people 25 60000 people are already in 2nd life and still new users are logging in. As it is turning really fast they have been germinating its substructure for developing. Second about the architecture of the 2nd life it is widening excessively fast and even looks similar to the existent life architecture. Finally they conclude stating that many people rely on 2nd life now a yearss.Animation in 2nd life:Harmonizing to Joe Geigel utilizing 2nd life for analyzing is general but utilizing it for distance instruction is particular. He has introduced a class in their university Computer Animation: Algorithm and Techniques, this is strictly based on 2nd life. This will concentrate chiefly on chances and challenges in the class Computer Animation, terminal explore the possibilities of learning in 2nd life. Computer Animation class they have done it in both theory and execution. He besides says that we can put up an country where we can make the presentations. Using this on-line instruction in 2nd li fe so many pupils have completed their assignments undertakings in C, C++ etc.Dynamic synergistic V web:Krzysztof Walczak, Rafal Wojciechowski, Wojciech Cellary these people say that now a yearss the two most of import things in this development or changing universe are emerging cognition based economic system and transmutation towards planetary economic system. In the close hereafter they are traveling to hold a drastic alteration like worlds will be eliminated from the regular undertakings and will be operated by automatons and automated machines. Harmonizing to these people, in olden yearss people used to analyze acquire in to occupation and that finished but now a twenty-four hours ‘s people need to be larning and cognizing something and utilize the different ways of instructions and turn with the new emerging and developing engineerings and learning methods. And now a yearss larning and implementing is the chief portion. In today ‘s present life everybody are utiliz ing cyberspace for some or the other usage in the same manner online instruction system every bit good. So many people utilizing on-line instruction and been successful, Virtual world based instruction system is one of the most promising and is used really normally. Its been a decennary people utilizing practical world based on-line instruction system. Harmonizing to these people light weight web based Virtual world instruction system is a really good option for heavy Virtual world installings most significantly in the educational watercourse.Historical position on computer science:Michael Goldweber, Gordon Davies, Richard Rasala, Hans Falck and many written an article titled as Historical positions on calculating curriculum.These people say that in a hastiness do n't implement or develop or present any new engineering or new watercourse in the educational system. It may hold the adverse or positive consequence on pupils. Alternatively of category room larning pupils will be habitua ted for the new acquisition system this may hold inauspicious consequence on the system. To discourse profoundly on the past instruction system, the pupils used to hold the theoretical and practical cognition where every bit now pupils are addicted to the computing machines and the acquisition system. After presenting or implementing new things in the present system for a hebdomad or two the enthusiasm and ardor will be at that place and so pedagogues may besides experience hard to travel category suites and Teach and pupils may besides experience different. How of all time now a yearss computing machine pedagogues are striking with new thoughts and engineerings. Now a yearss computing machines are used in every field like humanistic disciplines, scientific discipline, mathematics, literature, natural philosophies, medical scientific disciplines, technology etc. They conclude stating when following a new thing do n't be headlong it may be utile at times but maintain in head that it is non utile all the times.Lessons learned implementing learning in 2nd life:Second life has been introduced to public in 2003 and shortly go popular in the educational field, so many people used to handle and now handling it as a game but it used chiefly for the instructors or pedagogues and pupils. Educators used 2nd life for learning exploring and taking categories or carry oning talks for the pupils, games, mystifiers, theoretical accounts to explicate scientific theories and educational tool for the head function system. By utilizing 2nd life as a learning tool most of the pupils can be benefited. We can besides implement natural philosophies in 2nd life.While a talk is running a instructor and pupil can pass on each other utilizing text format or even audio characteristic which is besides available in the 2nd life. By utilizing collaborative and graphical elements which built in to 2nd life developed a multi user head function tools. This tool was been introduced to portion th oughts. Over allRichard Stephen Clavering, Andrew Robert Nicolsconcludes that 2nd life provides a rapid development environment for educational tools and they besides concludes stating that it ‘s really difficult to measure how many people use 2nd life for societal intents.Second life and instruction:Harmonizing to Rachel Gollub 2nd life is a game engine which has become more popular and is extended to more characteristics to let more natural societal interactions. Here in the 2nd life users are identified by their embodiments and last names largely, Second life have their ain currency named as Linden Dollars ( L $ ) . So many people use 2nd life but the use of each person will be different, some usage for instruction, some may utilize 2nd life client for concern, some may utilize for research or exploring, and even can utilize for the merriment or societal networking. But after let go ofing 2nd life as an unfastened beginning most of the educational establishments are utilizi ng it to the fullest. The two most common academic utilizations at present are learning categories and edifice libraries. In the recent times what the educational establishments are making is purchasing or leasing a topographic point or edifice and conducting talks in that country, learning a category in 2nd life is referred as in universe. Teaching in the practical universe has many advantages like save the clip, professor can exemplify slides or points with the minimal attempt and even it is besides really much useful for the pupils who do distance instruction. She concludes stating that, the combination of library resources, instruction and amusement it ‘s a new way to the libraries and educational establishments to the close hereafter. Finally 2nd life provides people with a opportunity of populating differentUse of Second life for distance instruction:First category in 2nd life has been conducted by Harvard. A pupil ( Rebecca Nelson ) who is making distance instruction at tended Harvard category in 2nd life commented that â€Å"Second life truly allowed us to make a sense of category community – something that develops reasonably of course in a face-to-face category, but something that seldom, if of all time, happens in distance instruction categories utilizing old technologies.† To cipher how 2nd life is utile for the distance pedagogues he has taken two groups one group involves introductory users and other are advanced users.Tim Ritzema, Billy Harristhey have concluded that it is really utile for the distance pedagogues to implement a instruction tool in 2nd life.Critical position:Second life is 3 dimensional practical universes and it unambiguously delivers instruction. Orientation is the name of the island which helps the starting motors or novices to pass on with each other ‘s Second life is a platform which has an ability of tonss of instructors. It supplies a freedom for learning. It has become an recognized medium for ins truction. In recent times practical environments has drawn much attending. Not many people know about the practical universes but the people who know about the practical universes like 2nd life make usage of them in different ways. However 2nd life is a client which is really utile for instruction and exploring intents. Second life has many topographic points to research and research. Linden labs have introduced a new educational web log named as Second Life Eduscape Blog. This web log is chiefly for the pedagogues, pupils, decision makers. So many universities are now utilizing 2nd life for educational intents. There is no uncertainty that 2nd life has shown to be true as a professional valuable medium for instructor ‘s pedagogues. In 2nd life workshops are besides been conducted to increase the ability for the physically handicapped individuals. These workshops include how to better their lives and portion their narratives with the other people who have other disablements, whether disablement may be in physical or mental signifier. These sort of workshops will besides discourse about the proficient necessities of the handicapped community and how they overcome their disablement. Finally these workshops besides give some utile tips and do them experience comfy to get the better of their disablement.Virtual submergence of pupil:It is really effectual to plunge a pupil in to practical universe and it is really utile for the pupils and even pedagogues. We have so many best ways to plunge a pupil in practical universes but Harmonizing to me the best manner to pupil in is directing an Electronic mail to the pupil which are all the events traveling on in the 2nd life. For illustration when we register and download a client in 2nd life it asks for the electronic mail Idaho, but 2nd life ne'er sends an electronic mail that what are all the events which are traveling in 2nd life. So what I believe is it would be better if have an another tool where we can name our interested countries so that when we have an event or talk in that peculiar country so an e mail qui vives need to direct to an utilizations, so that user can go to that talk or event. It is really cost effectual, saves clip and a pupil can bask larning or making research in practical universes.Requirements and SpecificationsMinimum system demands and specifications:Minimum system demandsInternet connexionCable or digital subscriber line engineeringsComputer Processor800 MHz Pentium III or Athlon, or betterComputer Memory512 MB or moreScreen Resolution1024Ãâ€"768 pelsArtworks Card for XP* NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or better *ORATI Radeon 8500, 9250 or better *ORIntel 945 chipsetResearch MethodologiesOverview:Research is a elaborate question in to analyze stuffs to put up facts and make new decisions. When we have a inquiry to work out the inquiry or job so research comes into image. Chiefly here in this instance statistical techniques will seek to assist to back up the decisions. The inquiries which are non easy answered and some kind of proficient construction which is to be drawn so merely research is needed for a thesis. A book which is named as Research Methods in instruction which is written by Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion, Keith Morrison, Harmonizing to these people research methods in instruction has been divided in to five chief parts. They are the context of educational research, be aftering educational research, styles educational research, schemes for informations aggregation and researching and information analysis. The chief characteristic of experimental research is that research workers carefully control and change the con ditions and so measure the difference what it makes. A research must follow the set of logical processs. A research worker must hold the complete cognition and exact end which has be achieved. We have two different types of research attacksQualitative Research- More concerned with each single experience of the jobQuantitative Research- Systematically observes alterations in the country of involvementResearch methods many be different, it depends up on the position of the undertaking. A elaborate account will be given below on the research methodological analysiss.Qualitative Research Method:Qualitative research method trade with societal scientific discipline and mainly trades with the cognition of the people, their attitudes, beliefs and frights etc. Qualitative research attack is chiefly used to happen replies for the hard inquiries, it provides valuable information. In this attack research workers chiefly use these three different types of informations aggregation Focus groups, d irect observation and In depth interviews. In the first type of informations aggregation i.e focal point groups- here group size is really little, chairs will be arranged for the treatment and they discuss and explore their cognition. Normally here treatment is tape recorded and so analysed. Second data observation- here informations will be immersed and will detect carefully by the individual who is non take parting, they develop a elaborate apprehension of the values. Finally here each person is been interviewed separately, job will be discussed in deeply. Critical incident survey is been used in this type of attack. Here each person will be given a opportunity to show their ain positions. Researcher will be able to get more elaborate information. Here merely smaller Numberss of people are involved and findings will be directional, inquiries will be unfastened type and it depends on the people why they think like that and behave like that. It allows us to supply incident type of i nformation. Troubles in Qualitative Research Approach: This attack is chiefly used and will be accurate merely if it involves really less figure of people. In this method information is which is collected will be collected so its traveling to be translated and so analysed, the information which has been analysed may or may non be right. The information which is been collected is non certain whether it is right or non.Quantitative Research Method:Our purpose is to reason the relationship between one thing and another thing. It requires public to take a determination. Quantitative research attack will non be a descriptive. Quantitative Research is all about quantifying the relationship between the variables. It measures how many people involve and evaluate replies from those interviews and so pull graphs. Most inquirers will be comprised of closed inquiry, most of the interviews which are done utilizing this attack will be on street or telephonic. It discovers how many people think what about the peculiar thing, this method involves many f igure of people where the size of the person is non defined any figure of people can be participated in this, which can be done separately in the off streets or telephonic. Even we have other options to make the interviews like traveling to universities, places of each single etc. These interviews are done under big figure of participants and consequences will be statistically valid and dependable. Analysis which has been done are aggregated. It follows extremely structured processs throughout the research, inquirer will be fixed no changes will be done in center of the research ; the interviews are done utilizing this methodological analysis largely they will be face to face and telephonic. The inquirer which has been prepared will be really speedy to reply ( takes merely 10-30min to reply ) , it ‘s a cost effectual research attack. Here study will be done on identified job and question for that job will be done in the signifier of inquirer. Not merely cognizing positions of the people for the job but it is besides utile for the merchandise or anything which is traveling to be developed in the hereafter. Chiefly to reason how many people think what about peculiar thing so this attack will be more utile. For illustration if any bing company wants to deve lop or present a new merchandise so this attack is more utile. Once study is done the documents ( positions of people ) will be calculated and is depicted in statistical position. I have used Quantitative Research Approach to measure my undertaking and for quicker position a statistical images are been depicted for each single inquiry. My research inquirer consists of 13 inquiries as I have used quantitative research attack I have prepared most of the inquiries in multiple picks and take any. Questioner is prepared in such a mode every person can understand easy and even takes really less clip to reply. I have done my research in assorted universities, colleges which are based in India and London. Survey inquiries are chiefly based on practical universe and submergence of learning tool in practical universe and eventually about 2nd life. Questioner titled as Survey on Virtual Environment For Teaching. Second life is 3 dimensional practical and originative environment which identifies each person with the embodiment. Initially when 2nd life was introduced to public in 2003 many people used to believe 2nd life is the gaming universe but know many figure of universities and schools are utilizing 2nd life for carry oning talks and doing pupils to research and basking the acquisition.Findingss and EvaluationFindingss and Evaluation is done based on the inquirer which has been prepared by me. By taking base asproject rubric ‘Virtual Immersion as a Teaching Tool ‘ I questioner has been prepared by me which is been titled as ‘Survey on Virtual Environment for Teaching ‘ . Research is been done in assorted universities, colleges, wok topographic points, place in London and India. Questions are chiefly based on practical universe, 2nd life, learning in practical universe and 2nd life. My inquirer comprises of 13 inquiries and research involved 35 members. Quantitative research attack is been used for my undertaking and after my research is been done I have evaluated and been done a statistical analysis and depicted them in to graphical representation.1. Make you cognize about 2nd life?Yes No Survey is been participated by 35 members among them 27 members answered Yes and 8 members answered No. Statistical analysis image is shown in above figure. To discourse briefly about this inquiry and my experiences during this study, when I approached pupils about each person said that they know about the 2nd life, it is really good three dimensional client where they can analyze, explore. Second they besides said that they like to go to talks which are held in 2nd life, they even like to research to new topographic points which they could non travel like islands. Additionally we have discussed about the teleport, fly, dressing characteristics which is available in 2nd life. On the other side when I approached concern people, house married woman ‘s and directors in different watercourse some of them said that they know about 2nd life but they will non utilize it much in their day-to-day lives, they merely use 2nd life when they have leisure clip. More significantly what they s aid is, when I have explained they briefly and handed out the papers which I have prepared they said your attack and study is utile to us.2. How frequent you visit 2nd life?Daily Once in a Week Once a Month Very Rarely This inquiry is been answered by 27 members. Eleven members said that they login daily, Nine members said they will login one time in a hebdomad, Five members said they will login one time in a month and two people said they will login really seldom. First point in this inquiry is to discourse about the wont of the people, 2nd life has become wont to many people, and they said we will see 2nd life for different intents like for survey stuff, amusement, explore, to go to events which are held in, dance or attend parties, to shop. Second life is a unfastened package client which we can utilize for different intents. I have posed a inquiry that do you believe 2nd life can be used for societal networking or concern most of the people said non much and they besides said instead than utilizing for societal networking or concern it is really utile for the instruction, explore, they said that they do n't cognize how to make concern in 2nd life I tried to explicate them but they did n't demo much involvement. Finally I conclude stating that 2nd life is known to many people and they use chiefly it for survey intents and researching. Peoples who said that they will see 2nd life really seldom one asked them why do they make so they said that we do n't hold proper counsel that how to utilize it and we besides do n't cognize or acquire any electronic mail qui vives to our inbox, that can be improved a spot in 2nd life.3. What makes you to see 2nd life?Games Study Material Exploring Hobby Social Networking Second life is the unfastened package client which can be used for different intents. We can utilize 2nd life for playing games, one can go to talks or events which are held in, some people may utilize 2nd life for societal networking every bit good. Harmonizing to my study what most people like is to research in 2nd life and so 2nd penchant is given to the survey stuff, sing 2nd life may non be avocation for many people but they said it is utile to them in many ways. In my study for this inquiry twenty seven members have been participated, some people have chosen two to three ( 2-3 ) options, after taking they said me that we do n't see 2nd life merely for one intent, aim to login to 2nd life may be different it would be for playing games or to analyzing something or to research to new topographic points or eventually to run into a friend and explore. In my study researching in 2nd life has gained three excess points than survey stuff, I asked them do n't you like to analyze in 2nd life, they said that we like to analyze but analyzing can be done in existent life every bit good, where as researching to topographic points which we do n't cognize that to within no clip that ‘s a great affair. I asked them do you believe we can utilize 2nd life as learning tool they answered it is really utile and said it will be really good for them like saves a batch of clip, cost effectual and can bask the environment. While asked about the gambling in 2nd life pupils showed involvement to explicate me like, what the games they play and the environment of the games, most of the games are free ( they were enthusiastic ) .4. What is the approximative mean clip that you will pass in a individual log in?Less than 10 Min 10 Min to 30 Min 30 Min to 1 Hr More than an Hour The mean clip each single spend in 2nd life is more than an hr. Twenty seven members participated in this study for this peculiar inquiry. When I was making study one of the participants whom i still retrieve he asked will at that place be any individual who will pass less than ten proceedingss in the 2nd life and he laughed, I explained him with a good smiling on my face that as it is a study where I need to include all the possibilities so he said Oklahoma. Even personally one can state when one login in to 2nd life for any ground so after completing my undertaking me and my other friends will be researching to new topographic points every clip and we find them interesting and even we attended some parties we danced over at that place. When we attended some of the parties and topographic points we were restricted to those topographic points as we are non the guests for that peculiar event, we did n't used to experience bad because that used to sound us sensible. Attending a talk and larning new things in 2nd life is a really good chance, because that is the lone topographic point where we can bask and larn new things and can even hold merriment with the category room trips for the practical account. We had a talk which has been taken by Ralph for the faculty CMT4161. In that talk he discussed and we have used voice confab as good and he took us to another island, really that was our first talk to go to in 2nd life. When I attended that talk that was the best feeling that was of the chief grounds which made to make the undertaking in practical universe.5. What is the best thing you find in 2nd life?Interactivity Virtual things Social networking Entertainment Above statistical analysis is been done harmonizing to the inquirer which I have prepared and done study on that. In this study twenty seven members participated some of them had chosen two to three options I asked them are you the frequent visitants of 2nd life they said 2nd life is client which is utile for different intents. In the above graph it shows most of the people who participated in the study liked practical things in the 2nd life. Main ground behind it is locations, topographic points, when we visit a new topographic point or anything a welcome note and a individual approaches the new visitant and asks whether they need any aid, they all seem to be really lively. My personal experience when I went to see one of oldest university which is based in Egypt, I was approximately to seek ancient times learning, how they used to learn and what they used to utilize to take categories but I was unable to make right topographic point and I confused, so a individual who is from the response approached me and whether I need any aid, I was truly really glad and impressed with their service and he made me to run into a history professor in their university and she took me to the right topographic point and we discussed about the ancient times learning and present instruction and even discussed about the hereafter acquisition and instruction system. When I visited library in that university it seemed to be really lively and I was profoundly immersed into that architecture and I did n't even recognize that I am in 2nd life. The practical things in 2nd life made me to plunge that much and the interactivity between the people besides really good, they were really helpful. I have learnt so many new things and had a batch of amusement and even chatted with the new people and made good friendly relationship with them.6. Make you believe 2nd life will assist kids to larn and experiment new things?Yes No For this inquiry twenty two members said yes it is helpful for the kids and five people said that No it is non utile. By taking their replies into consideration I have depicted the above statistical analysis as graph. Participants who ticked yes made me more confident that they are knowledge plenty to reply this inquirer. They said that kids has some particular topographic points where they can go to the narrative events which are been held in 2nd life and they besides said that they learn music and particularly in these cold states kids can non hold merriment outside, but in 2nd life particularly for the kids they have provided so many playing countries and Parkss. Children can hold their ain friends in 2nd life and can play in the drama countries and even listen to the narratives can larn how to play music instruments and dance every bit good. Personally even I have visited some topographic points which are meant particularly for the kids where they can larn music and can listen narratives and drama with the couples in the playing country. Discussed snap shootings are below. Second life is non merely utile to the kids but besides utile to the adolescents, particularly in 2nd life practical universe we have teens 2nd life. Peoples who said no for this inquiry they supported their reply by stating that kids may acquire addicted to the computing machine and may non demo involvement in existent life surveies and even may do to the wellness jobs like oculus sight and back hurting for sitting in forepart of the computing machine for several hours as they are kids they might non cognize about all these issues. Finally they besides said that 2nd life is utile for others other than kids. Snap shooting is from the topographic point Caledon Victoria City- Story clip the school house ; where kids can larn music Another catch shooting where kids can listen to the narratives.7. Make you believe we can associate personal life with 2nd life?Yes No Twenty seven members participated in the study among them twenty participants said that we can associate personal life with the 2nd life and seven participants said that they do n't believe they can associate personal life with 2nd life. The participants who answered yes has justified their reply with the following points they are, foremost they said 2nd life is really natural same as our personal or existent life, in existent life besides we go to shopping, we buy lands build places, will run into friends, can swim, can read, can skate, can walk etc. What we think is 2nd life is besides presenting one more characteristic to do it more existent that is slender, light weight, voice enabled instant messaging client which allows to chew the fat with the 2nd life friends without logging into full spectator. With this new characteristic we can entree to our friends and even update our present position, so it means one more barrier has been decreased to do 2nd life much closer to the perso nal life. Participants who answered No for the above inquiry said, foremost in personal we will hold merely one face where we can non alter where as in 2nd life we change our gestures and embodiments, secondly in existent life we can non travel anyplace in proceedingss where as in 2nd life we can make any topographic point in proceedingss by utilizing teleport button, thirdly in existent life we can non wing where as in 2nd life we can wing, eventually in 2nd life a individual or an embodiment will non hold decease where as in existent life a individual who has birth will hold decease so how we relate our personal life with the existent life! Personally one feel that we can associate personal life with the 2nd life, because 2nd life is giving a one more opportunity to populate in the life manner which an person likes. If a individual wants to go a physician in existent life he/ she may non go but utilizing 2nd life one can analyze medicine grade.8. Make you believe 2nd life will go dependence and it will botch personal life?Yes No In this study twenty seven members participated and 20 six members answered that No it will non botch personal life and a individual may non go dependence to the 2nd life, among 27 participants 1 participant said yes it may. Participants who said yes are warranting their reply and they were seeking to explicate me that 2nd life will non botch personal life because 2nd life is one of the best practical universe we have in the present market and they besides said that an person will login to back life merely when they have any event or talk to go to or to research or for amusement. Everybody who login in to 2nd life on their ain involvement or ain cause and 2nd life is chiefly used by adolescents and grownups who have adequate adulthood, most of the people who are logging and utilizing will cognize what they are making and what is the intent they have logged in. Second life is one of the practical universe which is seeking to give best to vie with the personal life, eventually harmonizing to those people 2nd life will non botch any single personal life. Second life or any practical universes are seeking to come closer to the human existences in existent life and been encouraging pupils, pedagogues largely because if talk is been scheduled in 2nd life it saves a batch of clip to the pupils and pedagogues and even cost effectual, this type of instruction system will be really much useful for the distance instruction pupils9. Have you of all time attend a talk in practical universe?Yes No Above depicted graphs shows that 10 members of the participants have attended talk in practical universe and 17 participants did n't go to any talks which are held in practical universe. After study when I have done the analysis and depicted a graph for this peculiar inquiry I understood that many people know about 2nd life but they do n't cognize what to make with the practical universe and how to utilize them, but the participants who answered yes for this inquiry most of them were professors and pupils, and they said about their experiences when they have taken talks or accompanied talks. Every participant who said yes told that they enjoyed practical universe lectures. Some of professor participants said that its a really good thought to schedule talks so that pupil can hold amusement along with the surveies. Professors besides added that universities should promote such a type of talks and they besides said that in United States America so many universities are already utilizing 2nd life as the agencies for carry oning talks, supplying library books in 2nd life. Immersing a instruction tool virtually is more utile for the pupils and pedagogues every bit good.10. Did you visit or have fun in practical universe which you have ne'er been in existent universe.Yes No Majority of the participants in the study answered yes because in practical universe we can make any coveted finish in proceedingss by utilizing teleport characteristic. Life is really easy in 2nd life, No limitations will be at that place in 2nd life we can make whatever we want, wear the coveted one time, can travel to the coveted topographic point in seconds, learn in which of all time stream we are interested in, most significantly it is cost effectual and saves batch of clip. Individual will non acquire spoiled utilizing this. If want to be after any trip or travel anyplace in personal life we need to use for a leave, program vacations, takes clip, purchase tickets and so hold merriment, but where every bit in 2nd life it is really easy to travel for a vacation or any topographic point. Some topographic points in this universe where worlds are desired to travel but ca n't travel like ice land, ascent mountains or any other private islands, these sorts of trips costs much and we do n't cognize whether we will hold merriment or non. Personally i would wish to see Paris but due to some issues Is could n't travel to Paris, but utilizing 2nd life Is have been excessively many topographic points in Paris and merriment.11. Have you of all time gone through tutorials in practical universe utilizing 2nd life?Yes No Nineteen participants has answered that they have gone through tutorials in practical universe utilizing 2nd life. Eight of the participants said that they did n't travel through tutorials in practical universe utilizing 2nd life. In this study entire participants are 20 seven. In the 2nd life tutorials articles are been discussed to boot 2nd life besides helps participants tips, fast ones and even helps the pupil if needed. Participants said that there will non be many tutorials which will be held on learning profession. Most of the tutorials will be on life, selling, and embodiments visual aspect, land, and edifice etc.12. Which one you think the best manner to larn the tutorial?Class room Own reading Second life synergistic Sessionss Harmonizing to my study foremost four people think that category room perusal is the best manner to larn a tutorial, secondly six people think that category room perusal is the best manner to larn a tutorial, eventually 17 people think that category r oom perusal is the best manner to larn a tutorial. Above image shows it really clearly. Participants who answered category room perusal is best justifies their reply in this mode like professor will be in front if we get any uncertainties so they can explicate more clearly, since kid goon this environment has been adopted by us how can we alter that. Participants who answered that Own reading is best, they discussed with me that at all times everything may non be available because every clip professor will non be with us to explicate and internet may non be available all the times. Majority of the people answered that 2nd life synergistic Sessionss are really good for tutorial acquisition they justifies their reply with the following points foremost the environment of the 2nd life it looks really natural and professional, secondly no chitchats or no unneeded treatments in the category suites, relevant stuff will be available and this is really fast coevals where we need save clip and money13. Make you believe it will be utile if we immerse learning tool in practical universe?Yes No Majority of the people say 20 five participants who participated in this study answered that it will be really utile if we immerse learning tool in the practical universe. Two people answered that it may non be that utile if we immerse a instruction tool in practical universe. We have so many best ways to plunge a pupil in practical universes but Harmonizing to me the best manner to pupil in is directing an Electronic mail to the pupil which are all the events traveling on in the 2nd life. Immersing a learning tool in the practical universes non merely increases the criterion of instruction system it saves a batch of clip for pedagogues and pupils who commute from the long distances. Students who are making distance instruction will besides profit a batch from this submergence. I personally met some people who are making distance instruction in existent universe and practical universe utilizing 2nd life, many of the pupils said that they are really comfy in utilizing 2nd life tutorials and talks.DiscussionOverview and History of Education:Education is gradual procedure for a pupil which is average to get cognition. Submergence of a pupil in instruction is been introduced foremost in Canada. They have introduced a 2nd linguistic communication ( L2 ) , it was successful plan. The chief purpose of this plan was to back up the course of study, pupils and instructors will go bilingual. Language submergence is nil but learning 2nd linguistic communication, most likely this i s besides an instruction or linguistic communication which will be taught along with the mark linguistic communication. First this plan has been started in Canada in 1960. Main purpose of this plan was increase the capableness of the students/ kids to talk multi linguistic communications. John Amos Comenius was one of the chief and celebrated people who changed the school course of study and change by reversal it. In Ancient to Medieval periods the dominant linguistic communication was Latin to learn and to larn. Although there was a demand to larn foreign linguistic communications and Latin was one of the dominant linguistic communications in seventeenth Century to learn and larn in different watercourses like faith, authorities etc. Later it was replaced by the other linguistic communications like English, Italian and Gallic.Methods for learning Languages:Language is presented in the signifier of text book which contains lessons and set of grammatical regulations back of each lesson and are besides explained by the illustrations to work out. There are chiefly three rules for learning linguistic communications. They are structural position, functional position and synergistic position. In some topographic points their mark linguistic communication will be at that pla ce immersive linguistic communication so they can follow the direct method for the instruction.Virtual Immersion as Teaching Tool:Virtual Reality is a much boosted technique for come oning computing machine based interacting universes, where a user can accomplish submergence, pilotage and interaction with in 3 dimensional environments. Most of the pedagogues and scholars will be benefited with this submergence. Most significantly for the distance scholars practical environments will be really enthusiastic. It is really good thought to put an environment for practical submergence as a instruction tool. The chief end of this undertaking is how can we plunge a pupil in practical universe and what are the best ways to plunge in. Second life is one the best practical universes who is conveying educational system really nearer to each person, they have already started a new societal web for the linguistic communication scholars.Current Education System:In existent life current instruction system is built like instructors are first and pupils are 2nd. First category will be of mathematics and mathematics instructor wants a pupil to larn trigonometry and following comes the scientific discipline instructor and Teachs about workss carnal life and worlds next comes the other instructor and wants pupil to concentrate in the category and larn what they teach, it is really hard for a pupil to analyze and set up their classs on the top. It ‘s the clip to rethink about current method of instruction system by which pedagogues are presenting their cognition to scholars.Second life Education System:Second life says that Choice is a portion of our civilization, why ca n't we take our acquisition ; Second life allows a pupil to plunge in the 3 dimensional practical universe and they besides provide and present a alone instruction where a pupil can take their ain topic and no emphasis on the pupil to larn and make the place work. Virtual universe provide pedagogues and pupils with the ability to link and pass on in the great manner to understand the scholars capableness and even understands their feelings and emotions. A screen shooting is besides shown below how the 2nd life talk room expression like:Lecture room in 2nd lifeRuthia Boucher, Marissa Moody, Yz Oh are the three most experient people who are been allotted for the new comers to 2nd life and to learn the rudimentss of 2nd life like how to utilize the minim al functionalities in the orientation island. They put their entire attempts to plunge a pupil in. In existent life many people afraid of the function dramas but 2nd life made easy, each embodiment can larn how to play a function drama on auditorium phases and even can portion along with the other embodiments on the phase. Slodle is an unfastened beginning undertaking which combines middle learning direction systems with rich synergistic 3 dimensional multi user 2nd life from the practical environment. Finally 2nd life besides allows pedagogues to fall in the group in which they are interested in. Second life is 3 D practical universe environment which can be used for different intents like concern, amusement, shopping, instruction and eventually for researching every bit good. Many people are doing usage of the cyberspace to analyze any anything or make shopping or any another thing, everything which we are making individually and seeking for each and every web site its costs clip for many people, we can utilize 2nd life for every intents which are mentioned above. Now a twenty-four hours ‘s 2nd life is besides utile for E-Health. I have been to the 2nd life and taken some screen shootings. Here are some screen shootings belowSecond Life for Children:Story clip for kidsChildren besides can utilize 2nd life for listening narratives, learn and drama music, can dance with their couples in 2nd life, it besides allows kids to take part in quiz competitions. Harmonizing to my study many participants said that it is really utile for the kids to better their accomplishments in their interested countries.Shoping in Second life:Shopping is an country where everybody is interested in. To come much closer to the existent life 2nd life has besides started concern, if we like anything in the 2nd life so jus demand to make merely one thing that is merely right chink on the thing which you like and so there it shows the cost in linden dollars. Second life has its ain currency. A screen shooting is taken from one of the shopping Centres in Paris Paris shopping promenade in 2nd lifeResearching in Second life:This one of the best characteristics and most of the people like in 2nd life is researching to the different topographic points they like and takes no clip to make the coveted finish. Environment in the 2nd life is one of the biggest assets ; they look really lively and natural. Snap shooting is taken from NASA work store. If we wish to indicate to any of the articles which are traveling here so that will be appeared on the bigger screen. If can detect the screen shooting which is below the left image is merely looking like sky in the times. This shooting is one of the best illustrations to demo how 2nd life environment. NASA workshopDecisionHarmonizing to my study I would wish to reason my undertaking stating that it is utile to plunge a instruction tool virtually and it is really effectual for the pupils. My study documents are included in Appendix II. Teaching and larning in the practical makes instruction system really easier. Immersing learning tool in the practical universe has a tonss of benefits to discourse, Its is really much useful for the distance scholars, pedagogues and even scholars. By playing kids or pupils may acquire spoiled or even acquire addicted but by researching to new topographic points with the new friends, kids additions cognition. Best ways to plunge a pupil in:Needs attractive advertizements to pull the kids, pupils and othersEncourage pupils to utilize 2nd life.Educators need to carry on category room lectures in 2nd life.Assign undertakings to pupils in 2nd life so that a pupil spends more clip in 2nd life and will acquire to cognize more about 2nd life.Explain pupils how 2nd life is traveling to assist themUsing 2nd life for instruction intent makes a pupil more enthusiastic, so that pupil can hold active engagement on the work they do. Students can larn on their ain, additions larning and understanding capableness of the pupil ; it gives an chance to each and everyone to pass on confidently. A pupil merely becomes successful when they have involvement in the acquisition watercourse. When any new engineering or any new thing arrives we need to welcome it and cognize it exhaustively and so bask purchase utilizing it. Generally end of a instructor is to give their best to the pupils, yes that is right but we can make that in an efficient mode. Making the same thing in 2nd life increases the efficiency and saves energy every bit good. Linden Labs are promoting people by giving land for the discounted rates. Provides freedom to larn I conclude stating that pick is portion of our civilization, so why ca n't we take and bask our learning- it ‘s clip to alter our instruction system.Further WorkHarmonizing to my study it is really utile if we immerse a instruction tool virtually. In my study entire participants are 30 five ( 35 ) . Among them twenty seven participants ( 27 ) know about 2nd life and 20 five ( 25 ) members answered that it will be utile if we immerse a instruction tool in practical universe. Supporting study documents are supported in Appendix II. Virtual universe is a representation of world that does non truly be, it could be a topographic point where people have fun or a research institute where experiments are been conducted. Even we will hold practical key board which we use in the existent universe. As the engineering progresss people may see practical universe to make the work, pupils to go to categories, a concern adult male to make concern merely one practical universe but watercourses might be different.