Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated Bibliography Example The information on absenteeism from the book would be useful and instrumental in the current research. Eggert, M.A. (2004). Controlling Absenteeism. Management Pocketbooks Ltd., U.K. Discussed theoretical background of absenteeism in terms of provisions of definitions, costs and measurement; identified causes; legal bits; and absence control. The author has provided a concise structural presentation on the most relevant issues confounding absenteeism with a discussion of legal matters most useful for the present study. Written with a backdrop of humor included, interspersed with comic illustrations, the book is an interesting reading and informative source that will definitely be expedient for the researcher. Fulton, K. & Mudley, E. (2008). Dealing with absenteeism in the work place. Retrieved 21 May 2011. Presented appropriate means of dealing with absenteeism with reference to Labour Relations Act (LRA) that rationalizes and find legal grounds linking absenteeism to a form of misconduct or incapacity. The authors provided a brief and concisely structured discourse finding legal grounds for employers, including accurate and explicit policies as incorporated in the organization’s code of discipline. The article, despite its brevity, contains crucial information in terms of legal justifications for providing appropriate sanctions for absenteeism in the work place. This should definitely be used in the current research.... Employee Absenteeism. Retrieved 21 May 2011. Proffered diverse issues on employee absenteeism including reasons, measuring level of absenteeism, suggested steps to minimize the incidence of absenteeism, to evaluate the working conditions to influence the dilemma, and determine motivational factors to preclude absenteeism in the workplace. The study focused on the actual experience in Go Go International Pvt. Ltd. Hassan, a garments manufacturing company, to examine the abovementioned issues and concerns. The methodology, participants, and findings are all relevant for the current research. The study is comprehensive and detailed as it provided an objective and structured approach to address issues confounding absenteeism in the organizational setting. This is definitely a useful and viable source of information for the proposed research. Mitra, S. (2008). â€Å"Managing Absenteeism and Presenteeism in the Workplace.† American Institute of CPAs. Retrieved 21 May 2011. Provided a brief theoretical background on the dilemma prior to delving into the causes of absenteeism and the costs of unscheduled absences in the workplace. The concept of presenteeism was likewise discussed concurrent with identification of its effects. The author cited secondary sources to support information on ways to control both absenteeism and presenteeism. The information contained in the article would be useful for the current study as it presented diverse issues that are deemed critical for the current research. The only weakness identified is the failure of the

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